Saturday, August 13, 2011

6 Purely Evil ways of Making Quick Money Online From Home - You need to know

1. Write crappy Internet marketing eBooks
The idea is to promise the world in the title. Something like: “How I make $500 Every Day with less than 20 minutes work”. Then you fill the eBook with common sense SEO information freely available online on many forums and blogs. This method is evil because the content should be free, it’s common sense for most IM’ers, and the headlines of these eBooks always over promise. Plenty of people make more than $500 a day online using SEO, but I bet the eBook isn’t a golden ticket to success. You will find many such eBooks on Clickbank, and on the Warrior forum.

2. Youtube CPA offers
There is a lot of traffic to be had on Youtube. IM’ers (Internet Marketers) are always after methods to make money from it. CPA= Cost Per Action….so you get paid if someone does some particular action, like sign up for something, or fill out a form or survey. The method here is to upload a video that has a chance of going viral. A popular music video that has just been released, or re-upload an ad for a new technology product. Then place a link in the video description that links to a domain with a CPA relating the video. ..if it is a music video, you might get some conversations from ringtone offers and they pay well. You should also watermark the video with your link to help get more interest.

3. Share Pirated eBooks
Plenty of people are looking for free copies of the eBooks I mentioned in the first step, but they don’t really want to pay for them. If you are sneaky you will find places to download these ebooks. The method is to share these ebooks on other dodgy forums, but before uploading them, update all the affiliate links in the ebook with your own affiliate links. You might make some money?

4. Autoblogs
The idea is the same. You setup a self-hosted WordPress blog, then use automation software like WP robot to pull fresh posts from other blogs. Most of these will eventually find their way to the google sandbox for duplicate content issues, so the idea is to make lots of them, and keep making new ones all the time. Some will probably make you some money.

5. Sell footer links in WordPress themes
The idea here is that you make a WordPress theme… you will need to use something like Artisteer if you don’t have any wordpress experience. Or you could pay someone to make a half decent theme. If the theme is any good you shouldn’t have too much trouble selling links in the footer. You then give the theme away for free. Add it to all those WordPress theme directories out there. Anyone who installs the theme will be giving the people who have paid for the links valuable backlinks, so they will be happy. You will want to encrypt the footer so people don’t remove the links though. You deserve to be optimistic about this.

6. Give away free websites
This is kind of an offline method, but it does work. Your task is to give away free websites. You target small businesses, or Mum and Dad types working from home. The package comes with a free domain, and 2 hours of setup time. I would set them up with a self-hosted WordPress blog, and chuck on a professional looking theme. There are plenty of them out there. The catch is that they must signup to your hosting service to get the free site. You then sign them up to your Hostgator reseller hosting service which you sell them for something like $19.95 a month. You only need to signup 2-3 clients to be making a profit, and if you are a really good face to face marketer, 200 clients will make you a pretty good living at $4000 a month. Another strength to this method is you also have a set of clients to sell SEO services to, or premium theme subscriptions to sites like elegant themes, or theme forest. I don’t think this method is that evil, in fact it’s a fairly solid business plan. But it does pray on the fact that a lot of people don’t understand the costs of web hosting, or the business involved with selling reseller hosting.

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